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抖动的英文翻译 抖动英文怎幺说 抖动的英文例句




    to tremble

tremble [tremb(ә)l]

    n.战慄,颤抖 vi.战慄,发抖,震动,(树叶等)摇晃.摇动,焦虑 vt.挥动,用颤抖的声音说出


那鸟击落后翅膀仍在抖动。The wing of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down.那鸟击落后翅膀仍在抖动The wing of the bird still fluttered after it had been shot down身体随着抽泣而抖动,His body shaken with sobs他的海象鬍子在笑眯眯的嘴巴上抖动着,His great walrus mustache curved above his beaming mouth他那长在半个葫芦样的头上的白髮,也随着笑声一齐抖动着。The few strands of white hair at the back of his gourd-like pate also quivered.她的身体稍微抖动了一下。Her body gave a slight quiver.图5。36显示了採样时钟抖动和信噪比之间的关係。Figure5.36shows the relationship between sampling clock jitter and snr previously presented.这些鸟抖动起整个胸廓。These birds vibrate the whole thorax.这些器件能达到14bit精度并具有低孔径抖动和输出阻抗。These devices are up to14bit accurate with low aperture jitter and output impedance.


因...而颤动抖动 quiver with

定时抖动 timing jitter

抖动 buffet

抖动标记 tic mark

抖动测试仪 jitter tester

抖动调谐磁控管 dither tuned magnetron

时间抖动 time jitter

横行抖动 Tibetan by rows

相位抖动 phase jitter

相位抖动测量仪 phase jitter tester

纵列抖动 Tibetan by columns

触点抖动 contact chatter

软碟抖动 floppy disk flutter

频率抖动 frequency jitter

