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兜风的英文翻译 兜风英文怎幺说 兜风的英文例句




    to catch the wind
    to go for a spin in the fresh air

catch [kætʃ]

    n.捕捉,捕获物,(窗)钩 v.捕获,赶上(车船等),发觉,感染(疾病) vi.抓住,燃着

wind [wind]

    n.风 v.绕,缠,上发条,旋紧

spin [spin]

    v.旋转,纺,纺纱 n.旋转

fresh [freʃ]

    adj.新鲜的,无经验的,生的,冒失的,鲜豔的 adv.最新地,刚刚 n.开始,氾滥


她在兜风时遇到劳笠。She had met laurie as she took her airing.我过去常常骑自行车兜风来消磨闲暇时间。I used to spend my spare time going cycling.我们不是去兜风的,凯文We're not going for a joy ride kevin.我们乘车兜风去吧!Let's go for a ride!我们坐蒂姆新的吉普车去兜风。We went for a joy ride in tim's new jeep.我向你承认那次驾车兜风是一次哗众取宠的愚蠢举动。That joy ride I grant you was a silly stunt.一群外出驾车兜风的孩子。A bunch of kids out for a joyride.在我下个休息日,我想去兜风。On my next day off I want to go for a drive.咱们骑摩托车去兜风吧。Let's go for a motorcycle ride.坐享兜风之乐吧!Sit back and enjoy the cruise!他动不动就要宣扬开车兜风和搭机旅行的可能性。He was swift to publicise the potentialities of motoring and flight.我们要去兜风了?We going for the ride now?


开车在...四处兜风 drive round

