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逗留的英文翻译 逗留英文怎幺说 逗留的英文例句




    to stay at
    to stop over

stay [stei]

    n.逗留,延缓,中止,支柱 v.在,暂住,坚持,止住,抑制,延缓,停(下)

stop [stɔp]

    n.停止,车站,逗留,障碍,风琴的音栓,填塞 vi.停止,被塞住 vt.塞住,堵塞,阻止,击落,断绝,终止,难倒

over [әuvә(r)]

    adv.结束,越过,从头到尾 prep.在...之上,越过 adj.上面的 vt.额外的东西,越过 n.额外的东西


但我更想知道他们究竟有没有学到有用的东西,在他们逗留北京的短短时间内。But whether they learned anything useful from their beijing sojourn is another question entirely.逗留;暂居停留的行为;暂居The act of abiding; a sojourn.逗留过久或者逗留超过某人的欢迎。Overstay or outstay one's welcome.你会逗留多少天呢?How many days will you stay?他们曾在人们称为特兰西瓦尼亚的山谷里逗留。They had sojourned in a mountainous country called transylvania.我当时正逗留的小镇斯蒂尔赫。Steelhead the place where I was staying.幸好我在青年招待所里逗留的时间很短。My sojourn in the youth hostel was thankfully short.只要甘油炸药专家在工作,我决不在附近逗留。I won't stay around while the powder monkey is working.最后要注意的是,千万别逗留过久而惹人生厌。Finally never overstay your welcome.


专业人员在本国逗留期间的费用 expenses, connected with the stay of specialists in the customer''s country

在...附近逗留 hover about

海滨逗留 n. shore stay

禁止船只在领海内逗留法 hovering act

继续逗留 linger on

逗留 stay

逗留时间 sojourn time

逗留期限 limit of stay

逗留者 stayer

逗留者 turnoffs

