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脱逃的英文翻译 脱逃英文怎幺说 脱逃的英文例句




    to run away
    to escape

run [rʌn]

    n.跑,赛跑,奔跑,运转,趋向 vi.跑,奔,逃跑,竞选,跑步,蔓延,进行,行驶 vt.使跑,参赛,追究,使流,管理,运行,开动 adj.熔化的,融化的,浇铸的 vbl.run的过去式和过去分词

away [ә'wei]


escape [i'skeip]

    n.逃,逃亡,溢出设备,出口,逃跑,[植]野生 vi.逃脱,避开,溜走 vt.逃避,避免,被忘掉


告诉我们你是怎样脱逃的。Tell us how you escaped.你是怎样脱逃的?How did you escape?在撞车引起的一片混乱中,那个被捕的人挣脱逃走了。In the turmoil resulting from the collision, the arrested man broke loose and ran off.我寡不敌众,因此只得拚命乱打,直到挣脱逃走为止。I was outnumbered so I just law about me until I could break free and run away.只要你签了字,我就不会认为你临阵脱逃。I wouldn't feel you were ratting out if you sign it.sylvia绝对没有接受过脱逃术的训练Sylvia has absolutely no training in escapology.它们分布得很广,飞鱼很少脱逃的机会。They are wide spread and the flying fish have little chance.我暗自庆倖得以脱逃。I congratulated myself on my escape.我是威廉金石利少校,脱逃委员会军官。And I'm major william kingsley escape officer.英雄冒着生命危险去帮助别人;而懦夫却临阵脱逃。A hero risks his life to help others; a craven runs from the scene.还像个脱逃的疯子?Iooking like an escaped mental patient?


临阵脱逃 chicken out; rat out

临阵脱逃罪 crime of deserting just before a battle

乘机脱逃 take a chance to escape

军人临阵脱逃罪 crime of abandonment of unit in combat situation

容许脱逃罪 permitting escape

帮助脱逃罪 crime of aiding escape

狱内脱逃报告表 report of escapes from inside prison

脱逃 escape; flee; run away

脱逃率 rate of escaped convicts in prisons or other custodial places

脱逃罪 crime of escaping from custody

