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拖曳的英文翻译 拖曳英文怎幺说 拖曳的英文例句



[tuō yè]

    to pull
    to drag
    to haul

pull [pul]

    v.拉,拖,拔 n.拉,拖,拉力,牵引力

drag [dræg]

    v.拖,拖曳,缓慢而费力地行动 n.拖拉


有件东西在地上拖曳着。Something draws along the ground.在铁路还没出现以前,四马拖曳的大马车是流行的交通工具。Before the railway came up into being a four-horse coach was a popular means of transportation.你能借我个拖曳缆吗?Can you lend me a towrope?拖网用于在水底拖曳捕鱼的网;拖网A net for trawling; a trawl.拖曳的某物,如拖轮Something such as a tugboat that tows.在加固物上定位拖曳钩。Position tow hook on reinforcement.


兽力拖曳的 animal drawn

地形拖曳 orographic drag在一定条件下, 由地形所激发的重力波和地面摩擦所引起的拖曳。

弹性拖曳体 dracone

扫雷电缆拖曳装置 towing unit of minesweeping cable

拖曳 haulage; towage; towing

拖曳作业工况管理 towing operating mode management

拖曳光缆 lashed fiber optic cable

拖曳力 gradeability

拖曳式磁强计 towed magnetometer

拖曳式航速仪 n. patent log

拖曳式计程仪 patent log

拖曳式记程仪 n. patent log

拖曳式雾标 towing spar

拖曳弓架 towing arch

拖曳水声水下战术警式系统 towed acoustic tactical underwater warning system

拖曳水池 towing tank

拖曳浮标 towing buoy

拖曳滑车 towing block

拖曳用辅索 gurest rope

拖曳电动机 dragging motor

拖曳係数 drag coefficient表示动量向地面传输效应的无量纲数 Cd 。

拖曳绳索 dragging rope

拖曳航速 towing speed

拖曳船模试验池 ship model towing tank

拖曳船队 towing train俗称"吊拖船队"

拖曳设备 towing gear

拖曳设备试验 towing equipment test

拖曳费 towage; haulage; towing charges

拖曳转轮式计程仪 patent log

拖曳速度 drag velocity

