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托尔的英文翻译 托尔英文怎幺说 托尔的英文例句



[tuō ěr]


thor [θɔ:(r)]



年轻就是冲动,托尔,可是这两个都是好孩子!Youth is hotheaded torr but these two are good boys!噢!用的托尔之锤!Oh! By the hammer of thor!他是列夫•托尔斯泰的直系亲属。He's directly descended from leo tolstoy.他喜欢用托尔斯泰的口吻振振有辞说:“归根结底,作家只不过是个工人。”He likes to argue in tolstoyan vein that "the author is in the last analysis merely a working-man."探索托尔金的“中土世界”,就仿佛踏上了通往人类心灵的旅程。And exploring tolkien's middle earth is like taking a journey into the very heart of mankind.我不要甜食,克里斯托尔,我正试图减肥。No dessert for me krystle I'm trying to slenderize.托尔•海尔达尔在1947年驾着“康一提基号”木筏横渡太平洋。Thor heyerdahl sailed the pacific in the kon-tiki in1947.托尔斯泰是俄国最着名人物之一。Tolstoy was one of russia's most famous sons.我唯读过托尔斯泰作品的译本。I've only read tolstoy's books in translation.与托尔金沾上边可能是「贝奥武夫」爆红的原因。The tolkien connection may be why beowulf is suddenly hot.在20世纪初始,托尔斯泰处于他成就的极盛时期。In the early1900s tolstoy was at the zenith of his achievement.


埃弗托尔形变硅青铜 wrought Everdur

奥托尔染料 Ortol dye

奥托尔染料 Ortol dye

布里斯托尔铜锌锡合金 Bristol alloy

布里斯托尔黄铜 Bristol brass

康托尔集 Cantor set

康托尔集合 Cantor set

托尔托纳期 Tortonian Age

托尔托纳阶 Tortonian Stage

斯托尔特偏移 Stolt migration

斯托尔特拉伸因数 Stolt stretch factor

本托尔手术 Bentall operation

杜阿托尔染料 Duatol dye

杜阿托尔染料 Duatol dye

海托尔抽压机 Hytor

特里托尔聚丙烯单丝 Tritor

特里托尔聚丙烯单丝 Tritor

