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弄错的英文翻译 弄错英文怎幺说 弄错的英文例句




    to err
    to get sth wrong
    to miscalculate

err [ә:(r); (-) eәr]


get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽


    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)

wrong [rɔŋ; (-) rɔ:ŋ]

    adj.错误的,不正当的,道德不好的,失常的 adv.错误地 n.坏事,错误,不公正


似乎你弄错了。You appear to have made/It appears that you have made a mistake.你们不能逮捕我!一定是弄错了!You can't arrest me! There must be some mistake!不是你,就是他弄错了。Either you or he has made the mistake.很抱歉,你弄错了。I am sorry but you misunderstand.你座标没弄错吧?Areyou sureyou have the right coordinates?弄错了,这和勃格遭枪击无关This guy had nothing to do with bogomil getting shot.然而不难看出柯尔律治都弄错了。But it will be seen that coleridge has got it all wrong.如果我没弄错您的意思,那幺您想念应该教孩子们爱花?If I perceive your meaning correctly then you believe children shall be taught to love flower?都找不到指纹,但现场特徵是不会弄错的At any of the scenes but the signature is unmistakable.恐怕我的朋友阁下弄错了。I'm afraid my right honourable friend is mistaken.我没弄错的话,还醉酒的样子And unless I'm mistaken very drunk.我认为你弄错了。I think you are mistake.我要把天文导航弄错就糟了L could have screwed up the celestial nav.


一开始就弄错 begin at the wrong end

弄错 mistook

弄错了地方 in the wrong box

弄错日期 confuse dates

弄错的 full of beans

把...弄错了 be mistaken about

没有弄错 within the mark

诉讼手续故意弄错 abuse of process

