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洞口的英文翻译 洞口英文怎幺说 洞口的英文例句




    Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵阳|邵阳

county [kaunti]



在从洞口射入的微光的照映下,飞天们环绕在我们周围。The images float around us in the twilight coming from the caves'entrances.在洞口加上盖子。Put a covering over the hole.站在洞口的一个姑娘摆手叫他进去。A girl stand at the mouth of the cave beckon him in.救援人员在封闭的通道上钻出第三个洞口,但是无法置入麦克风。Rescuers bored a third hole into a chamber but were not able to low a microphone into the space.枪眼,炮眼在墙或护墙上开的用于射击的洞口A flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet.他曾经窥探护栏的洞口He used to pry a hole in the fence.我看到绳子是系在墙上洞口旁边的钉子上,而不是系在那根铁丝上。I can see it fastened to a nail next to the hole in the wall but it is not fastened to that wire.


垂直洞口 vertical opening

墙身洞口 opening; wall opening

墙身洞口的类型 classes of wall opening

墙身洞口防火盖 service counter door

有保护的墙身洞口 protected opening

洞口 tunnel adit,tunnel opening

洞口保护 opening protection

洞口段衬砌 lining of tunnel portal section

涵洞口铺砌 culvert inlet/outlet apron

涵洞口隆起 culvert end lift

贯穿洞口 penetration opening

门洞口 door opening

隧道洞口投点 horizontal point of tunnel portal, geodetic control point of portal location of adit

