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推敲的英文翻译 推敲英文怎幺说 推敲的英文例句




    to think over

think [θiŋk]

    v.想,思索,认为 vt.认为,以为,预料

over [әuvә(r)]

    adv.结束,越过,从头到尾 prep.在...之上,越过 adj.上面的 vt.额外的东西,越过 n.额外的东西


你的论点经不起(仔细)推敲。Your argument just won't stand up (to close scrutiny).但这两个关键概念经随后的判例法发展而被推敲得愈发精练。Both of these two pivotal concepts however have been refined by subsequent case law developments.二人都以专业作家的骄傲强调经过仔细推敲才取得想望中的效果。Both stress with professional pride the deliberation with which they arrive at their effects.你切不可过分推敲这个字谜。You must not refine too much upon this charade.他们通常以英雄双行体创作诗歌,这是一种经过推敲的五步抑扬格诗行。They usually write poetry in heroic couplets a polished iambic pentameter line.他们的论点终不起仔细推敲。Their argument won't stand up to detailed criticism.在对这个问题作数学处理之前,我们不妨推敲一下它的物理根源。Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin.这样出现的字眼也许很好,但经过一次又一次的推敲,也许还会发现更好的字眼。It may be a very good one; and yet a better may present itself on reflection or from time to time.


仔细推敲 mull about

推敲 can be challenged; scrutiny

推敲出 hammet out

