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弄伤的英文翻译 弄伤英文怎幺说 弄伤的英文例句



[nòng shāng]

    to bruise
    to hurt (something)

bruise [bru:z]

    n.瘀伤,擦伤 v.打伤,撞伤

hurt [hә:t]

    v.刺痛,伤害,(使)痛心,(使)伤感情,危害,损害,受伤 n.伤痛,伤害

something [sʌmθiŋ]

    pron.某事,某物 adj.有点象,大约


她弄伤了膝盖, 但是并没有哭。She cut her knee badly, but didn't cry.对不起, 我弄伤了你; 我不是故意的。I didn't mean to.派特:你弄伤了自己没有?Pat: Have you hurt yourself?不要那样拽那个孩子,他会被弄伤的。Don't pull the boy along like that, he might be hurt.他肯定弄伤了我的外周神经系统He must have nicked something in my peripheral nervous system.不对,这是一个气囊弄伤的。Wrong. It's from an air bag.玛丽经常把自己弄伤,她总是有意外事件倾向的。Mary's always hurting herself she's very accident-prone.如果他不小心会弄伤自己。He's going to injure himself if he isn't careful.我弄伤了膝关节的软骨。I've damaged the cartilage in my knee.狗弄伤了爪子。The dog had hurt its paw.她说自己是在梦游的时候把脚弄伤的。”She told him she hurt her foot while sleepwalking! "我在佛蒙特州滑雪的时候也弄伤了我的腿I broke my leg skiing up at stowe in vermont.用刀切割,用刀割伤用刀,尤指刺伤;用刀弄伤To use a knife on especially to stab; wound with a knife.


弄伤 shed the blood of

有意弄伤 slir up

