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弄坏的英文翻译 弄坏英文怎幺说 弄坏的英文例句



[nòng huài]

    to ruin
    to spoil
    to break

ruin [ru:in]

    v.(使)破产,(使)堕落,毁灭 n.毁灭,崩溃,(pl.) 废墟,遗迹

spoil [spɔil]

    vt.损坏,搞糟,宠坏,溺爱 v.扰乱


她查明是杰克弄坏了低音提琴,非常气恼。She found out about jack busting the double bass and was very annoyed.我给了她一串人造琥珀项鍊,她给弄坏了。I gave her the amberoid necklace she broke.我还把影印机弄坏了And I broke the copier.我想我已弄坏了你的卡式答录机。I think I've broken your cassette player.我也许已经弄坏了你的眼影I might have blasted off your eye shadow.药品应放在不会被孩童弄坏的容器内。Medicines should be kept in childproof containers.要是他知道了是谁把他的收音机弄坏了,准够你受的!When he finds out who broke his radio you'll really cop it!以免维柯丁最后弄坏了肝In case the vicodin's finally shot my liver.因为我把父亲的汽车弄坏了,他把我狠狠打了一顿My father really lamed into me for damaging his car.婴儿把我的书撕了,弄坏了。The baby tore my book and spoilt it.你把拉鍊弄坏了?Did you screw up the zipper?你又弄坏了一片?Did you break another piece off the wall?我好像把电脑弄坏了。It seems that I broke the p.c.用茅草盖屋是一件苦活,会把手弄坏。Thatching is a painful job and plays merry hell with your hands.这些玩具由柔韧橡胶製成,所以小会被弄坏。These toys are made of pliant rubber so they won't break.


不小心弄坏 botch up

弄坏 made a muddle of

被风雨弄坏的 weatherbeaten

