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动弹的英文翻译 动弹英文怎幺说 动弹的英文例句




    to budge

budge [bʌdʒ]


安装后窗气动弹簧撑杆。Install pneumatic spring for rear window.固定后气动弹簧。Secure the rear pneumatic spring.黄蜂抓住蜘蛛就螫它们一下,使它们不能动弹。Wasps catch spiders and paralyse them with a sting.将已加注的气动弹簧撑杆支柱完全浸入一个水槽中。Dip the filled air-spring strut completely into a water bath.模拟开动弹头,3号导弹Simulate activation of the warhead number-three missile.我们动弹不得,车子跟在一个蛮横的司机后面。We got stuck driving behind a road hog.我吓得不能动弹。I couldn't move for fear.亚音速流中全飞机的非线性气动弹性力学分析。Nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of complete aircraft in subsonic flow.一整夜我们都挤在火车车箱里动弹不得。We were boxed up all night in a railway carriage.移动弹簧(按钮),方向是向左,然后拆下它。Move spring for the push-button to the left and remove it.


传动弹簧 driving spring

动弹不得 get stuck; got stuck; gotten stuck

动弹性模量 dynamic elastic modulus; dynamic metamorphism

安装制动弹簧用手钳 brake spring pliers

快速瞬动弹簧连接器 quick snap connector

气动弹射器 air ejector

气动弹性 aeroelasticity

气动弹性力学 aeroelasticity

浮动弹簧 floating spring

涡轮驱动弹射器 turbine powered catapult

运动弹性动力学 kineto-elastodynamics运动弹性动力学分析和运动弹性动力学综合的总和。

运动弹性动力学分析 kineto-elastodynamic analysis分析弹性运动时弹性构件的位移、速度、加速度、应力和应变数,此时除外力外应计及弹性运动与刚性运动的耦合的惯性力。

运动弹性动力学综合 kineto-elastodynamic synthesis满足预定运动速度条件下的位移、速度、加速度,传递的力和力矩,应力和应变等要求,设计具有弹性构件的机构。

递动弹簧 graduating spring

速动弹簧开关 quick-acting spring switch

飞机灭火器启动弹 cartridge of aircraft fire extinguisher

