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动产抵押的英文翻译 动产抵押英文怎幺说 动产抵押的英文例句



[dòngchǎn dǐyā]

    chattel mortgage;pledge of movables

chattel [tʃæt(ә)l]


mortgage [mɔ:gidʒ]

    n.抵押 v.抵押

pledge [pledʒ]

    n.保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品 vt.保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝


    n [pl] (esp law 尤用于法律) personal property; articles that can be removed from a house 个人的财产; 动产. Cf 参看 fitting2 2, fixture 1


出借人被称为动产抵押的受让人。The lender is referred to as the grantor of the bill of sale.一不动产或动产抵押权。 Over immovables or movables;


不动产抵押 pledge of immovables; real estate mortgage

不动产抵押保证,不动产抵押担保品,不动产抵押品 real securities

不动产抵押借款保险 mortgage insurance

不动产抵押债券 real estate mortgage bonds

不动产抵押公司债 real estate mortgage bond

不动产抵押品 real security

不动产抵押契据 deed mortgage on real estate

不动产抵押放款 loan secured by real estate; loan on real estate; loanon actual estate

不动产抵押贷款 loan on actual estate

不动产抵押银行 hypothec bank

动产抵押 chattel mortgage; pledge of movables

动产抵押信用 credit against pledge of chattel

动产抵押债券 chattel mortgage bonds

动产抵押公司 chattel mortgage company

动产抵押公司债券 collateral trust bond

动产抵押合同 chattel mortgage contract

动产抵押据 bill of sale

动产抵押资产融通 chattel mortgage financing

动产抵押金资融通 chattel mortgage financing

租赁不动产抵押 leasehold mortgage

租赁不动产抵押保证书 leasehold mortgage bond

衡平法的动产抵押 equitable chattel mortgage

