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牛角的英文翻译 牛角英文怎幺说 牛角的英文例句



[niú jiǎo]

    cow horn

cow [kau]

    n.母牛,大型母兽 vt.威吓

horn [hɔ:n]

    n.(牛、羊等的)角,喇叭,触角 v.装角


斗牛士被牛角撞伤得很厉害。The bullfighter was badly gored.牛角式布诱导器:牛角式布诱导器使埋压拷克骨更为稳定。Horn type regulating fabric guider to offer stable covering stitch.牛角酥店,在埃尔多拉多Gooeybunz over on el dorado.牛角相思树不喜欢在阴暗不透风茂密的热带林区中生长。The bullhorn acacia is not a tree of the dark windless depths of the tropical rain-forest.牛角相思树面临着严峻的挑战。The bullhorn acacia has serious competition.三件东西难信赖:牛角,犬牙和马蹄。Three thing be not to be trust-a cow's horn a dog's tooth and a horse's hoof.三件东西难信赖:牛角、犬牙和马蹄。Three things are not to be trust-a cow's horn a dog's tooth and a horse's hoof.


壁挂式牛角扇 wall pedestal fan

水牛角 buffalo horn

牛角 cattle horn oxhorn

牛角製品 horn ware

牛角半圆量角器 horn semi-circular protractor

牛角头毛笔 writing brush with horn top

牛角形拔牙钳 cowhorn forceps

牛角瓜纤维 mudar floss

牛角瓜纤维 mudar floss

牛角画 horn picture oxhorn mosaic

牛角碎片 cattle horn cutting

牛角药匙 horn medicine spoon

牛角雕刻画 horn carving picture

牛角雕画 cowhorn picture

犀牛角 rhinoceros horn

