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东非的英文翻译 东非英文怎幺说 东非的英文例句



[dōng fēi]

    East Africa

east [i:st]

    n.东方,东,东部地区 adj.东方的,从向东来的 adv.在东方,向东方,朝东方

africa [æfrikә]



西元700年阿拉伯人开始把东非变为殖民地。Around700arabs began to colonize east africa.南亚、阿拉伯半岛和东非沿海。South asia the arabian peninsula and the coast of east africa.属于乍得-尼禄语系的东非的一种语言。A group of languages of east africa belonging to the chari-nile group.从中国到印度,再向前去东非。From china to india and onwards to east africa.东非大裂谷的多数卡伦金人对基库尤的政权统治充满敌意(因此齐贝吉的后院随时都可能起火)。Most of the kalenjin people in the rift valley are hostile to kikuyu political domination.东非大裂谷是地壳的一个薄弱地带。The rift valley marks a weakness in the earth's crust.疾病的传播??使昏睡症传入了东非,By the spreading of disease? Sleeping sickness into east africa其中一条是东非高原上的白尼罗河,Of which one is the white nile rising on the east african plateau我们準备去东非探险。We're going on safari.新裙子系列的图样是远东非法翻印的。The drawings for the new dress collection are pirate in the far east.


东非 East Africa; East African

东非共同体 East African Community EAC)

东非共同市场 East African Common Market

东非发展银行 East African Development Bank

东非国家中央银行 Banque Centrale des Etats de l''Afrique de i''Ouest

东非洋流 n. East Africa coast Current

东非海岸流 n. East Africa coast Current

东非经济共同体 east african economic community

东非裂谷带 East African Rift Zone

