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动的英文翻译 动英文怎幺说 动的英文例句



    to use
    to act
    to move

use [ju:z]

    vt.使用,利用,耗费 n.使用,利用,用途,效用,使用价值

act [ækt]

    n.幕,法案,法令,动作,举动,节目,(戏剧的)幕 vi.行动,产生...的效果,担当,表演,假装,表现,见效 vt.扮演,装作


“线位移”或“均方根振动速度”做基础振动判据的探讨Inquisition into foundation vibration criteria of "linear distlacement" or "rms velocity"“引擎,发动机:把能量转化为机械力和运动的一种机器。”Engine: a machine that converts energy into mechanical force or motion.“由或从冰,尤其是冰山,移动和沉积的碎屑。”"Rock debris transported and deposited by or from ice especially by or from a glacier."“真倒楣,”吉罗德呻吟着,动着长了厚厚一层苦苔的舌头,在焦干的嘴唇上舔了一圈。"Mother of sorrows" moaned gerald moving a thickly furred tongue around parched lips.•产品具有良好的均匀度、动性或溶解性,产品纯度高,品质好。The product made by the machine has good uniformity fluidity solubility high pure and high quality.……全面超越多曲柄式发动机的飞行... The ability to sustain normal flight in the event of a multiengine failure.…利用夜视仪在黑夜里先前移动They moved forward in pitch black using night vision-…他从事共产主义性质的宣传活动.. Was engaged in propaganda for communist causes.…只剩下继续向前迈进的冲动... Except the impulse to simply soldier on.

