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宁愿的英文翻译 宁愿英文怎幺说 宁愿的英文例句




    would rather

would [wәd]


rather [ra:ðә; (-) 'ræðәr]


better [betә(r)]

    adj.较好的 adv.更好的,更多的,更佳的


我宁愿安享岛上的安宁I'd rather look after the island's welfare.我宁愿把头塞进蛇洞里…I would rather put my head in a snake pit...我宁愿称之为外行L'd call this unprofessional.我宁愿呆在家里!I'd rather stay in!我宁愿付你钱,也不想请那些老大夫。I'd rather pay you than some old sawbones.我宁愿面对面地打,也不喜欢偷偷摸摸地I prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around.我宁愿飘泊流浪,也不愿在办公室从9点干到5点。我喜欢自由自在。I would rather take to the road than work in an office from9till5each day. I want to be free.我宁愿去吸肿瘤流出的脓汁I'd rather suck the pus out of an abscess.我宁愿死也不愿意告诉她我养不起她了L would rather die than to tell her l could not provide for her.我宁愿她不嫁人,也不愿让她嫁给他那样的傻瓜。I'd sooner she married no one than marry a fool like him.我宁愿堂堂正正打一架也不要偷偷摸摸的I'd prefer a straight fight to all this sneakin'around.我宁愿走着去。I prefer to walk there.


宁愿 as lief; as soon; had rather; had rather do; had sooner; it be preferable that; it can be preferable that; it may be preferable that; it must be preferable that; it should be preferable that; it will be preferable that; it would be preferable that

宁愿不 it be not preferable that; it can not be preferable that; it may not be preferable that; it must not be preferable that; it should not be preferable that; it will not be preferable that; it would not be preferable that

