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拧开的英文翻译 拧开英文怎幺说 拧开的英文例句



[nǐng kāi]

    to wrench apart

wrench [rentʃ]

    n.扳钳,扳手,猛扭,痛苦,扭伤,歪曲 vt.猛扭,使扭伤,曲解,抢,折磨 vi.猛扭,绞痛

apart [ә'pa:t]

    adv.分离,分成零件,分别地,分离着 adj.分开的


那个学生把自来水笔笔套拧开了。The student twisted the cap off a fountain pen.吴阿姨要我们静一些,随后拧开了电视。Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on.那位官员拧开了瓶盖,把瓶子凑近鼻孔。The Officer unscrewed the cap and put the bottle to his nostrils.拧开圆柱头螺栓并拔下製冷管路。Unscrew cheese head bolts and pull off refrigerant lines.如有必要,可以再次用中间轴拧开机油泵并移动哑铃轴。If necessary loosen the oil pump with the intermediate shaft again and shift the dumb-bell shaft.他很快地拧开了磁带盒的螺丝。He quickly undid the screws that held the cassette together.你先拧开炉子,并倒一些油在锅里。You turn on the stove first and pour some oil in the pan.拧开机油泵的紧固螺钉。Unscrew the fastening screws of the oil pump.拧开紧固螺钉并拆下按钮。Unscrew fastening screw and remove push button.拧开紧固螺钉并拆下衣帽钩。Unscrew fastening screw and remove coat hook.拧开用于固定atf节温器座的螺栓。Unscrew bolt securing atf thermostat holder.我把螺丝拧开才把门拆掉。I undid the screws to get the door off.


拧开 screw off

