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柠檬酸的英文翻译 柠檬酸英文怎幺说 柠檬酸的英文例句



[níng méng suān]

    citric acid

citric [sitrik]


acid [æsid]

    n.酸,迷幻药;adj.酸的,讽刺的,刻薄的;"atomicity,consistency,isolation,and durability" 原子性,一致性,不相关性和持久性


结果用柠檬酸还原法製备的20nm胶体金溶液呈亮红色。Results the spheroidal colloid gold particles of20nm showed bright red in color.有人已经证实哺乳动物组织的柠檬酸合成酶受atp的抑制。The citrate synthase of mammalian tissues have been shown to be inhibited by atp.摘要柠檬酸三丁酯是一种新型无毒增塑剂。Tributyl citrate is a new material of non-toxic plasticizer.


吲哚、甲基红、V-P、 柠檬酸试验 IMViC test

工业柠檬酸钠 sodium citrate,technical technical sodium citrate

异柠檬酸 isocitric acid

放射性柠檬酸镓67Ga gallium citrate 67Ga

无水柠檬酸 anhydrous citric acid

无水柠檬酸三钠 anhydrous sodium citrate

柠檬酸 citric acid

柠檬酸三丁酯 tirbutyl citrate

柠檬酸三乙酯 triethyl citrate

柠檬酸三异丁酯 tri-iso-butyl citrate

柠檬酸二氢钾 potassium citrate dihydrogen

柠檬酸亚锡二钠 distannous citrate

柠檬酸制取新法 new process for making citric acid

柠檬酸咖啡因 caffeine citrate

柠檬酸呱嗪 piperazine citrate

柠檬酸晶珠 crystal citric acid

柠檬酸氢二铵 diammonium hydrogen citrate

柠檬酸盐 citrate

柠檬酸砂 granular citric acid

柠檬酸舒芬太尼 sufentanil citrate

柠檬酸钙 calcium citrate

柠檬酸钠 sodium citrate

柠檬酸钠钾 potassium sodium citrate

柠檬酸钾 potassium citrate

柠檬酸铁 ferric citrate

柠檬酸铁铵 ferric ammonium citrate

柠檬酸铜 cupric citrate

柠檬酸铵 ammonium citrate

柠檬酸锂 lithium citrate

柠檬酸镁 magnesium citrate

