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丢掉的英文翻译 丢掉英文怎幺说 丢掉的英文例句




    to lose
    to throw away
    to discard

lose [lu:z]

    vt.遗失,浪费,错过,输去,使失去,使迷路,使沉溺于 vi.受损失,失败

throw [θrәu]

    n.投,掷 v.扔,抛,(指马)把骑者摔在地上,使苦恼,惊忧,投掷

away [ә'wei]



将军遭到惨败,丢掉了拿撒勒。The general took a sound licking and lost nazareth.就会又丢掉一个幻想I strip away another illusion另外,一首诗不管翻译得多幺好,都会丢掉原作的一些神韵。Besides no mater how well a poem is translated something of the spirit of the original work is lost.朋友告诫他,干活加把劲,否则就会丢掉饭碗。He got the straight tip from his friend-work harder or you'll lose your job.罗尔夫:据我所知,废纸会当作垃圾丢掉。Rolf: as far as I know they just throw it out as trash.你可以将垃圾丢掉吗?Can you throw away the trash?你要告诉那小鬼丢掉那只杂种狗You were gonna tell the kid to get rid of that mutt.她丢掉了一双长统袜。She has lost a pair of stockings.特纳先生丢掉了他的假髮。And mr.turner lost his toupee.有一件东西你还没丢掉You didn't sign away a thing.针对性很强的聊天,很容易使受害者丢掉饭碗。Well-directed tittletattle may easily causes its victim to lose his or her livelihood.


丢掉 fling off

丢掉假面具 throw off the mask

丢掉幻想 cast away illusions

把...作为废物丢掉 cast on the scrap heap; throw on the scrap heap; thrown on the scrap heap; toss on the scrap heap

