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地铁站的英文翻译 地铁站英文怎幺说 地铁站的英文例句



[dìtiě zhàn]

    subway station
    metro station
    MRT station

subway [sʌbwei]

    n.地道, 地铁

station [steiʃ(ә)n]

    n.位置,岗位,地位,身份,...局,...站 vt.驻扎,配置

metro [metrәu]



附近有地铁站吗?Is there a subway station near here?结果导致了在拥挤的地铁站里一场枪战Which resulted in a shoot-out in a crowded subway.全部赶去尖沙嘴地铁站Get to tst metro station.他们骑车到地铁站,They ride their bikes to the subway station它在地铁站附近吗?Is it near the subway station?小学、地铁站和自来水厂A school a tube station and a water-treatment plant.疑犯进入了pershing广场地铁站Suspects are entering the pershing square mta station.有个重要的地铁站。自动扶梯将乘客分别输送到下麵条不同的路红。There is an important tube station with escalators leading down to two different lines.有人递给她一张地图,并被告知独自前往最近的地铁站。She was handed a map and told to make her own way to the nearest underground station.在地铁站,你可能会遇见带奇异太阳镜的另类人。At the tube station you may encounter alternatives wearing weird sunglasses.这附近有地铁站吗?Is there a subway station around here?最近的地铁站在哪?What is the nearest subway station?最近的地铁站在哪里?Where is the nearest subway station?

