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滴水的英文翻译 滴水英文怎幺说 滴水的英文例句




    water drop
    dripping water

water [wɔ:tә(r)]

    n.水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体 vt.喷淋,供以水,注入水,使湿 vi.流泪,加水 adj.水的,水上的,水生的,含水的

drop [drɔp]

    v.滴下,落下,(使声音等)变弱,(使价格等)下降,使跌倒,使结束,不再讨论,停止与(某人)交往 n.落下,下降,滴,滴剂,点滴,微量,下跌

dripping [dripiŋ]



榨干了你身中的每一滴水分Sucks every ounce of fluid right out of your body.整个种植园是根据滴水灌溉系统所调控。The whole plantation is under a drip irrigation system.昨天下雨了,檐口滴水,你小心点。It rained yesterday the cornice is dripping water-be careful.从小事做起,节约一滴水,创造一片绿,尽自己所能帮助奥运。Starts from the minor matter saves a waterdrop creates a green own can help olympic games.如果我们不节约水,那幺最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪。If we don't save water the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.我们在滴水成冰的南极建立了考察站。We set up an observation station in the south pole where water freezes as soon as it is poured out.


不动产相邻滴水权 realty neighbor''s right against dripping water

十滴水 rheo-camphoradin

氧压机滴水泵 oxygen compressor water dropping pump

滴水 eyebrow

滴水不漏 held water; hold water; holds water

滴水兽 gargoyle

滴水喷头 emitter, dripper

滴水嘴 gargoyle

滴水器 water dropper

滴水均匀度 uniformity coefficient of drip irrigation又称"滴水均匀係数"。在同一灌水社区内表示同时工作的滴头滴水量均匀程度的係数。

滴水板 drain board

滴水槽 drip mold

滴水槽线 throating

滴水石 water shoot

滴水遮盖 n. drip cover

防滴水式电动机 drop-proof type motor

防滴水马达 n. drip proof motor

