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蹑的英文翻译 蹑英文怎幺说 蹑的英文例句



    to walk on tiptoe
    to walk quietly
    to tread (on)

walk [wɔ:k]

    vi.步,行,走 n.步行,散步,步,行道

tiptoe [tiptәu]

    n.脚尖,趾尖 vi.用脚尖走


她从后面蹑手蹑脚地走近他。She crept up to him from behind.为了不吵醒婴儿,我们蹑手蹑脚地上了楼梯。We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby.他蹑手蹑脚地像鬼一样到处走动,做怪相,真让人感到恐惧和讨厌。He creeps about like a ghost, making ugly grimaces, it gives us the horrors to see him.他蹑手蹑脚地像鬼一样到处走动,做怪相,让人见了感到十分恐惧。He creeps about like a ghost, making ugly grimaces; it gives me the horrors to see him.费根蹑手蹑足了厨房的楼梯。Fagin stealthily descended the kitchen stairs.蓦地他晃着脑袋,蹑起了脚后跟,把他那矮胖的身体伏在月台的栏杆上,向着下边大声说道:Suddenly he shook his head stood on tiptoe and leant his short fat body over the balustrade.这头母狮蹑手蹑脚地向他们靠近。The lioness padded softly toward them.别那样蹑手蹑脚地走近我!Don't sneak up on me like that!就蹑手蹑脚走到走廊里,刚走到一半... And I'd be halfway down the hall iike tippy-toe tippy-toe...

