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拟订的英文翻译 拟订英文怎幺说 拟订的英文例句




    to draw up (a plan)

draw [drɔ:]

    v.拉,曳,牵,画,绘製,拖曳 vt.汲取,领取,提取,引起,吸引 vi.向,挨近 n.平局,和局,拖曳

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

plan [plæn]

    n.计画,设计图,平面图 vt.计画,设计


根据客户要求拟订cdn解决方案。Design the cdn solution for the customer requirement.三拟订工业同业公会章程草案。C.draw out the draft of articles for industrial board of trade.五拟订工业同业公会年度工作计画及编拟岁入出预算书。E.draw out annual work plan and decide annual budget for industrial board of trade.研究拟订价格法规草案;Research and draft laws and regulations on prices;一关于公平交易政策及法规之拟订事项。1.preparation And formulation of fair trade policy laws and regulations;已拟订计画使钢铁工业转为私营。There were plans to denationalise the steel industry.按照拟订的巡查计画组织检查;Organize the inspection according to the drawn-up patrol schedule;当局现正拟订计画的实施细节。The administration is now working on the implementation details of the scheme.为鼓励私人投资而拟订的政策Policies designed to encourage private investment.我已经拟订好了疏散草案I've prioritized evacuation protocol由买方拟订的合同叫购货合同When a contract is made by the buyer it is called the purchase contract.正在拟订增税方案。There are plans afoot to increase taxation.


拟订 redact

拟订合同 draw up an agreement; draw up a contract

拟订机器和设备技术条件 specifying machines and equipment

拟订相同价格的行动 conscious parallel action

项目拟订 project formulation

项目的拟订 project formulation

