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头套的英文翻译 头套英文怎幺说 头套的英文例句



[tóu tào]


headgear [hedgiә(r)]



马笼头套在马头部的那部分马勒The section of a bridle that fits over a horse's head.她给枕头套镶上花边。She edged the pillowcase with lace.用于床垫和枕头套的坚硬的纤维。A strong fabric used for mattress and pillow covers.枕头套位于cabdecoqueen座椅的外套材料上。Slip on cab deco queen chair outdoor cushion.不,我不想把皮肤晒成棕色,我宁可呆在家里洗毛毯和枕头套。No I do not want to get a suntan. I'd rather stay home and wash my blanket and pillowcases.绢丝是做枕头套最好的料子。The spun silk is the best material for pillow-case.在隔壁房间里,另一批人则忙着在一个食物加热器上烘烤一大批头套,以备首场演出之用。Next door the wigs are being dried in a pie warmer ready for opening night.


单头套筒扳手 single-head box socket set

多头与空头套做 straddle

弯头套筒扳手 offset socket wrench

弯头套管 elbow union

接头套筒 adapter sleeve

方口单头套筒扳手 square opening single end box wrench

枕头套 pillow cover

秃头套 bald wig

自己把头套在绞索里 put her head in a noose; put his head in a noose; put my head in a noose; put our head in a noose; put their head in a noose; put your head in a noose

花梨镶壳四头套几 rosewood nested-table,with inlay of mother of pearl

钢笔头套管 fountain pen outer cap

