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年鑒的英文翻译 年鑒英文怎幺说 年鑒的英文例句





almanac [ɔ:lmәnæk]



我在年鑒中找到了许多戏剧方面的资料。I found many subjects of theatre in almanac.年刊;年鑒每年出版一次的期刊;年刊A periodical published yearly; a yearbook.美国金属统计局1970年鑒第五十次年度出版物Year book of the american bureau of metal statistics fiftieth annual issue for the year1970一种是每年260天的神圣年鑒。One was a sacred almanac of260days.国际海运贸易统计年鑒;International seaborn trade statistics yearbook;劳工组织劳工统计年鑒;Ilo yearbook on labour statistics;深圳经济特区年鑒②。Shenzhen special economic zone yearbook ii.这是1990年年鑒。This is the yearbook for1990.中国市场统计年鑒②。Market statistical yearbook of china ii.


世界货币年鑒 currency year book

中国年鑒 China Yearbook

人口统计年鑒 demographic yearbook

劳合氏船级协会船舶年鑒 Lloyd''s register

劳埃德船舶年鑒 lloyd''s register

劳埃德船舶登记簿,劳埃德船舶年鑒 Lloyd''s Register of British and Foreign Shipping; Lloyd''s Register; Lloyd''s Register book

劳氏船舶年鑒 Lloyd''s Register

商业仲裁年鑒 yearbook commercial arbitration

商品年鑒 commodity yearbook

四十判例年鑒 Quadragesma

国家核算统计年鑒 yearbook of national accounts statistics

国际贸易统计年鑒 yearbook of international trade statistics

少年鑒别所 juvenile classification and detention home

年鑒 almanac; yearbook YB)

年鑒股 yearbook unit

水文年鑒 hydrological yearbook, water yearbook按照统一的要求和规格,并按流域和水系统一编排卷册,逐年刊印的水文资料。

法律年鑒 yearbook of law

经济年鑒 almanac of China''s) economy

统计年鑒 statistical yearbook

联合国年鑒 yearbook of the united nations

非洲统计年鑒 African Statistical Yearbook

