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头奖的英文翻译 头奖英文怎幺说 头奖的英文例句



[tóu jiǎng]

    first prize

first [fә:st]

    adv.首先,最初,第一(列举条目等用),优先 adj.第一的 num.第一(个) n.开始,第一,(比赛)冠军

prize [praiz]

    n.奖赏,奖金,奖品,捕获,捕获物,战利品 adj.得奖的 vt.珍视,估价,捕获,撬,撬开


她只差一点儿就能得到头奖了She missed the first prize by a whisker.她几乎得到头奖。She nearly won first prize.她在百米赛跑中获头奖。She won first prize in the 100 metres race.她的插花赢得头奖。Her flower arrangement won first prize.儘管他参加这次竞赛只不过是闹着玩儿而已, 却赢得了头奖。Although he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize.我们的公牛在农业展览会上夺得头奖。Our bull took first prize at the agricultural show.获头奖者可自选饭店用一餐。First prize in the competition wi当他得知他得了头奖时脸上露出了喜色。His face brightened up when he was told to have won the first prize.他中了彩票的头奖,所得的钱足够他喝上一年的啤酒。He won first prize in a lottery- enough to keep him in beer for a year.抽奖销售的头奖是两个人到巴黎度假旅游。First prize in the raffle is a holiday for two in Paris.甚至给我自己颁了头奖Even got myself a blue ribbon too.他在博览会的参展作品得了头奖。His entry at the fair won a blue ribbon.这次划船比赛有两只船同时到达终点,头奖由两只船平分。The boat race was a dead heat and the first prize was divided in two.真倒楣!你押赌的那匹马应该在这场赛马中得头奖,可却得了第二名。Hard cheese! The horse you bet on should have won the race instead of coming second.我告诉他他获了头奖,可他认为这是理所当然的事。I told him he had won the first prize but he took it as a matter of course.


头奖 first prize

彩票头奖 jack pot

得头奖 take the cake

