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定影的英文翻译 定影英文怎幺说 定影的英文例句



[dìng yǐng]

    to fix a photographic image

fix [fiks]

    vt.使固定,装置,修理,準备,安装,凝视,整理,牢记 vi.固定,注视,决定,选定,确定 n.困境,方位,贿赂

photographic [fәutә'gra:fik]


image [imidʒ]

    n.图像,肖像,偶像,形象化的比喻,极为相象,映射,典型 vt.想像,作...的像,反映,象徵


结论办公室紧张的脑力劳动对眼底动脉硬化可能有一定影响。Conclusion the tension of office brainwork may have an effect on ocular fundus arteriosclerosis.你应该给它喷上定影液。You should spray it with fixative.施肥对烟株的碳氮代谢有一定影响。Fertilization bettered carbon and-nitrogen metabolism.有一定影响的运动领导人。A campaigner of some stature.中义在摄影术中,将定影液和未曝光银盐从摄影底片和相纸中移走。In photography removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers.兇杀案件主体责任能力评定影响因素分析。A analysis of the influencing factors of responsibility assessment for homicide cases.羽化前经历对成虫触角的反应敏感性有一定影响。Preadult experience can influence the antennal sensitivity of the parasitoid.


固定影响模型 fixed effects model

坚膜定影液 fixing-hardening bath

定影 fixing摄影处理中去除未感光或感光后未还原的银盐,使显出的影像得以稳定的过程。

定影剂消除液 hypo eliminator

定影助剂 fixing aid

定影时间 fixatin time

定影槽 fixing bath

定影液 fix bath

定影液指示剂 hypo indicator

定影盘 fix bath

定影粉 fixing powder

普通定影液 plain hypo

海波定影液 hypo bath

漂白定影液 bleach-fix bath

紫外感光定影胶片 kalfax film

调色定影液 toning bath

酸性定影液 acid fixing bath; acid hypo

酸性定影盐 acid fixing salt

酸性定影粉 acid fixer

