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顶上的英文翻译 顶上英文怎幺说 顶上的英文例句



[dǐng shàng]

    on top of
    at the summit

top [tɔp]

    n.顶部,顶端,极点,顶蓬,陀螺,(常用複数)根菜植物的叶子,上部,盖子 adj.最高的,顶上的,头等的 vt.盖,戴,高耸,达到顶端,截去(植物)顶端,高过,超越 vi.结束,完成,胜过

summit [sʌmit]

    n.顶点,最高阶层 adj.政府首脑的 vi.参加最高级会议的


屋顶上有一个洞,雨水正在往他床上滴。There was a hole in the roof and rain-water was spattering on his bed.悬崖顶上的大炮台。Massive gun emplacements on top of the cliffs.一股水柱从他身后的橡树顶上瓢泼而下,发出悦耳的声响。There was a fine noise of rushing water from the crown of an oak at his back.一只老鹰在他们头顶上无声地盘旋。Above them an eagle circled in noiseless flight.在顶上有事物的:顶上有雕像的圆柱。Having something on top: columns surmounted by statues.在那边的塔顶上…。And in yonder topmost tower...在旗杆顶上飘扬着的旗帜A flag fluttering from the mast-head在湿婆三叉戟的尖顶上,矗立着一座城市,它就是瓦拉纳西。On the tip of shiva's trident stands a city which is varanasi.在蜀都大厦顶上的旋转餐厅。In the revolving restaurant at the top of shu-du mansion.


军舰桅顶上的武器发射台 n. fighting top

勿放顶上 do not stack on top; do not stake on top

吊顶上方的通风 plenum

在...的顶上 at the top of

坐在火山顶上 sit on a volcano

把一个套在另一个的顶上 nest one on top of another

顶上嫩茶 extra tea

顶上小叶 superior parietal lobule

顶上平的 table topped

顶上有 surmount

顶上被...覆盖 surmount with

