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溺爱的英文翻译 溺爱英文怎幺说 溺爱的英文例句




    to spoil
    to pamper
    to dote on

spoil [spɔil]

    vt.损坏,搞糟,宠坏,溺爱 v.扰乱

pamper [pæmpә(r)]



不错,我嫂嫂的溺爱也助长了他。It is true that the indulgence of his foster-mother encouraged him.过分溺爱独生子女的父母参见Parents who dote on their only child.see synonyms at like和谐的韵律;而凭一张弓,真诚的;灵魂,可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱。And great souls at one stroke may do and dote.溺爱的祖父母会宠坏孩子Fond grandparents who tended to spoil the child.如果你溺爱儿子,他将来是会让你失望的。Cosher up your son and he will disappoint you in the future.她是个溺爱的母亲,随时準备为子女添置新衣服。She is an indulgent mother ever ready to provide new clothes.为什幺你这幺溺爱亚当?Why are you such a dishrag with adam?我们看到了溺爱的父亲的照片,他把孩子抱在了膝盖上。We saw photographs of the doting father with the baby on his knee.无论如何,亲属不会受到溺爱。Kinfolk don't receive much coddling however.这个溺爱的母亲给她儿子买他要的任何东西。The indulgent mother bought her boy everything he wanted.美国人溺爱子女但又不真喜欢他们;Americans overindulge their children and do not like them;那个富人的儿子一生中都被溺爱。The rich man's son has been spoon-fed his entire life.一个非常普遍的原因就是父母因感到内疚而过分地溺爱孩子。One fairy common reason is that parents overindulge their child ren ou t of a sense of guilt.


溺爱 cosher

过分溺爱反而有害于 kill with kindness

