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同心的英文翻译 同心英文怎幺说 同心的英文例句




    Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吴忠|吴忠

county [kaunti]



举办2010年世界博览会,是12亿多中国人民的共同心愿和热切期盼。Holding2010the world exposition is1.2billion chinese people's expertation.宁夏同心暮色中,一个农民汉子爬上电线杆接驳电线。A farmer is climbing a telegraph pole to connect wires.如果我们同心协力,肯定就会成功。If we pull together success is certain.我们同心协力,我们就会成功。If we pull together we shall succeed.要取得最后胜利,我们必须同心协力。You must pull together in order to win final victory.一举一动体现风度,同心同德美化校园。Every gesture reflects the poise unite as one and beautify the campus.


与...同心的 concentric with

分芯同心电缆 split concentric cable

同心 n. concentricity

同心中性线电缆 concentric neutral cable

同心光束 homocentric beam

同心协力 of a mind; of one mind

同心卡盘 concentric chuck

同心同德 be of one mind

同心喷嘴气割机 concentric nozzle gas cutter

同心圆 concentric circles

同心圆地带论 concentric zone theory

同心圆理论 concentric circles theory

同心圆观测 concentric circle observation

同心圆论 concentric-circle theory

同心圆转向法 method of altering course with a concentric circle

同心多园图 concentric circle diagram

同心套轴对转桨 contra prop

同心套轴的两个对转螺旋桨 n. contra-turning propeller

同心导线 concentric conductor

同心层 concentric layer

同心层底膜 coenelasma

同心度 n. concentricity

同心度误差 concentricity error

同心度量规 bearing gauge

同心式活塞环 concentric piston ring

同心式浮子 concentric float

同心式线圈 concentric coil

同心性毛癣菌 Trichophyton concentricum

同心插头 concentric plug

同心极三极管 all concentric triode

