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酊的英文翻译 酊英文怎幺说 酊的英文例句




intoxicated [in'tɔksikeitid]



他酩酊大醉,没法开车回家。He is dead drunk and can not drive home.他所谓的“男生”年龄範围在6至25岁;其中一些人带着枪,其他人会在酩酊之时突然现身。His "boys" range in age from six to25; some bring guns others turn up drunk.为了镇定自己的神经,他开始服鸦片酊。To calm his mind he began to take laudanum.鸦片酊是鸦片的衍生物。Laudanum is a derivative of opium.一种生物硷提取物或药用的颠茄根的酊剂。An alkaloidal extract or tincture of the poisonous belladonna herb that is used medicinally.远至酊可用来治疗慢性支气管炎。6polygala Tincture can be used to treat chronic bronchitis.鸦片酊,曾用作药物A tincture of opium formerly used as a drug.鸦片占主要成分的酊剂。A tincture of opium or any preparation in which opium is the main ingredient.


五味子酊 tinctura schizandrae

複方土槿皮酊 pseudolarice tincture compound

複方樟脑酊 compound tincture of camphor

枣酊 date jujube tincture jujube tincture

樟脑酊 camphor tincture tincture of camphor

灵香草酊 Lysimachia foenum-graecum tincture

碘酊 iodine tincture

胡芦巴酊 trigonella tincture

酊 tincture

酊剂 tincture

酩酊 intoxication

酩酊大醉 as drunk as a fiddler; as drunk as a fish; as drunk as a lord; as drunk as a owl; as drunk as a piper; as drunk as a sow; lap the gutter; lapped the gutter

颠茄酊 tinctura belladonnae

香草兰酊 vanilla tincture

