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顶层的英文翻译 顶层英文怎幺说 顶层的英文例句



[dǐng céng]

    top floor
    the top of a building

top [tɔp]

    n.顶部,顶端,极点,顶蓬,陀螺,(常用複数)根菜植物的叶子,上部,盖子 adj.最高的,顶上的,头等的 vt.盖,戴,高耸,达到顶端,截去(植物)顶端,高过,超越 vi.结束,完成,胜过

floor [flɔ:(r)]

    n.(房间,走廊等的)地面,地板,基底,(室内的)场地,层,海底,议员席 vt.在...上铺(地板),击倒,(被困难)难倒

building [bildiŋ]



请给我四张顶层楼座的票。Four tickets for the gallery please.土壤层中的顶层;通常含有腐殖土。The top layer of a soil profile; usually contains humus.这一阵吵闹把大家都引到顶层甲板上来了。The racket had brought everybody to the hurricane deck.mdi容器表单必须位于顶层。Mdi container forms must be top level.百慕大:百慕大岛民在他们的多层婚礼蛋糕的顶层插上一株小树苗,Bermuda: islanders top their tiered wedding cakes with a tiny sapling.餐厅设在转动的顶层。Northwest cuisine is served in the revolving restaurant.顶层的、不受控制的表单已经被创建。当系统调用该钩子时,视窗存在。A top-level unowned window has been created.the window exists when the system calls this hook.建筑物的顶层将被拆去以减低高度。The building top layer is cut off decreases the altitude.就是上到顶层去。Is get to the top level up here.他正努力爬到社会的最顶层。He is trying hard to climb to the top of the social ladder.我够不到书架的顶层,除非我用折梯。I can't reach the top shelf of my bookshelves unless I use a stepladder.在顶层功能表中不允许有分隔符号。Separators not allowed in top level menu.


屋顶层 garret

帆顶层 n. sail loft

浮顶层 ceiling layer

顶层 roof level

顶层吊舱 n. copepods

顶层木材 n. top timber

顶层环境 top environment

顶层的 toplevel

顶层空间 clear space level

顶层级 top class

顶层通风 top level ventilation

