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低能的英文翻译 低能英文怎幺说 低能的英文例句




    mental deficiency

mental [ment(ә)l]


deficiency [di'fiʃәnsi]



绝对是个低能儿!You're an absolute moron!你会当着她的面叫她低能You called her a moron right to her face.他天生低能,学不会讲话。He was born subnormal and will never learn to speak.听听这个低能的老头要放什幺屁…Listen to this retarded old man talking shit...烟尘情况和低能见度已经造成多起交通碰撞事故。Smokey conditions and poor visibility are causing crashes.一个低能和他的原声大碟A moron with a soundtrack.因为他是蝙蝠侠,低能的家伙!Because he is batman you moron!在学校低能的企图,导致他不及格。A weak-minded attempt at school caused him to fail.


丧失劳动能力的低能人口 incapacitated and mentally deficient persons

低能 feeblemindedness

低能X射线空间探测器 low-energy X-ray space detector

低能人口 number of the mentally deficient

低能加速器 lowenergy accelerator

低能泡沫发生系统 low-energy foam generation system

低能火 low energy fire

低能环境二元论 dualism of mental deficienty circumstances

低能电子显微镜 low energy electron microscopy

低能电子束监测器 low-energy electron beam monitor

低能电子衍射 low energy electron diffraction, LEED

低能离子散射 low energy ion scattering, LEIS

低能级 low level=lowlevel

低能级的 low level

低能级辐射 low levels of radiaton

低能继电器 low energy relay

低能耗建筑 lowenergy building

低能装置 low energy system

低能质子能谱仪 low-energy proton spectrometer

低能静电光电子谱仪 low-energy electrostatic photoelectron spectrometer

最低能量途径 minimum energy path, MEP

能量分辨的低能带电粒子探测器 energy resolved low-energy charged particle detector

