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溺水的英文翻译 溺水英文怎幺说 溺水的英文例句



[nì shuǐ]

    to drown

drown [draun]

    v.溺死,淹死 vt.淹没


是啊,假装溺水不过分吗?Yeah and pretending to drown isn't?四十年前他没有能把他儿子从溺水中解救出来Whom he cou ldn't save fr om dr own ing forty years ago.他们使溺水的游泳者苏醒过来。They brought the drowned swimmer back to life.他由于救溺水的小孩而受到表扬。He was praised for rescuing the child from drowning.为避免在睡眠时溺水,海洋哺乳动物保持对呼吸孔的控制至关重要。To avoid drowning during sleep it is crucial that marine mammals retain control of their blowhole.7。溺水者见稻草也抓。7a Drowning man will catch a straw.待到狗溺水,众人给水喝。When a dog is drowning every one offers him drink.那个年轻人看到溺水的男孩,立刻跳进水中。The young man jumped into the water right off noticed the drowning boy.那溺水的人象石头般沉没。The drowning man sunk like a stone.溺水的人连稻草也要抓。A drowning man plucks at a straw.溺水的人一根草也要抓。Drowning man will catch at a straw.溺水者见稻草也抓。A drowning man will catch a straw.使溺水获救的男孩苏醒过来。Resuscitate a boy rescued from drowning他们试着使溺水的人复苏。They tried to resuscitate the drowned man.汤姆勇敢地抢救那个溺水的男子。Tom tried valiantly to rescue the drowning man.


溺水 drowning

溺水者 drowned person

