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    to live together

live [laiv]

    adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的,点燃的 vi.活着,生活,居住,流在人们记忆中 vt.过着,度过,经历 adv.以实况地

together [tә'geðә(r)]



保罗和钟活华现正低调同居Newman and woodward were now iiving together very discreetiy.吉姆,别和某些墨西哥人同居Jim don't shack up with some mexican.你去那里就是要和他同居The guy that you went down there to shack up with.他就是和你同居的那个混蛋吗Is he the bastard you shack up with?他们只是试婚同居者。They're only probationary cohabs.他想和我同居。He wants to shack up with me.她决定和男友同居。She's decided to shack up with her boyfriend.同居对新生代很合适。Co-habitation is the right of the young blood.同居是年轻人的激情。Co-habitation is young blood's enthusiasm.我相信同居会使年轻人更成功。I believe that co-habitation makes young blood more successful.


不同居令 no-cohabitation order; order of separation from bed and board

习俗同居 cohabitation with habit and repute

共同居住 cohabit; cohabitation

共同居住人 cohabitant

同居 bed and board; cohabitation

同居义务 duty of cohabitation; marital obligation

同居伙伴 live-in partner

同居关係 live-in relationship

同居权 marital rights

夫妻同居权 conjugal rights; matrimonial rights

婚前同居 prenuptial cohabitation; trial marriage

恢复夫妇同居权 restitution of conjugal rights

未婚同居 nonmarital cohabitation

非法同居 illicit cohabitation

非法同居关係 relationship of illicit cohabitation

