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低利率的英文翻译 低利率英文怎幺说 低利率的英文例句





fine [fain]

    adj.美好的,优良的,杰出的,精美的,杰出的,细,纤细,纯粹 n.罚款,罚金,晴天,精细 vt.罚款,精炼,澄清 vi.变清,变细 adv.很好,妙,[常用于构成複合词]细微地,精巧地


银行竞相以低利率贷款。The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest.从目前的经济情势看, 很有可能降低利率。A fall in interest rates is a probability in the present economic climate.降低利率一直被新闻媒介描述为某种能解决所有问题的万应灵丹。Lowering of interest rates has been presented by the media as a kind of universal cure-all.政府希望能通过降低利率来重新拉动经济增长。The government hopes to kick-start the economy by dropping interest rates.做到全市最低利率计算适合你的生活方式和你的预算。Be sure to get the lowest possible interest rate and terms that fit your lifestyle and your budget.低利率信贷刺激消费。Easy credit is a spur to consumption.自2002年初以来,美国的贸易赤字和低利率便使美元受压。America's trade deficit and low interest rates have pressed down the dollar since early2002.


低利率 low interest rate; cheap money; low cost of money

低利率政策 cheap money policy

最低利率 lowest interest rate

法定最低利率 official minimum rate

法定最低利率,法定最低汇率 official minimum rate

银行借款最低利率,银行优惠放款利率,银行最优惠利率 bank prime rate

闭销最低利率浮动债券 floating rate droplock bonds; FRDL bonds

降低利率 reduction of interest

