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缔结的英文翻译 缔结英文怎幺说 缔结的英文例句




    to conclude (an agreement)

conclude [kәn'klu:d]

    v.结束,终止,决定,作出结论 vt.推断,断定,缔结,议定

agreement [ә'gri:mәnt]



一团体协约之缔结修改或废止。 Conclude revise or abolish a collective agreement;义大利兴德国缔结同盟。The italy allied itself with germany.不迟于1996年缔结一项禁止核子试验条约;A comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty has been negotiated and concluded no later独立战争以后,美国和英国缔结了和约。After the revolutionary war the united states and great britain concluded a peace treaty.他们和她缔结了一项条约。They have entered into a treaty with her.通过谈判争取不迟于1996年缔结一项全面禁止核子试验条约;A comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty be negotiated and concluded no later than1996;我们还缔结了主要贸易条约。We also concluded major trade treaties.


合同缔结地法 lex loci contractus

契约缔结地 locus contractus

契约缔结地法 lex loci celebrationis

妻作为夫的代理人所缔结的契约 contract entered by wife as husband''s agent

婚姻缔结地住所 matrimonial domicile

婚姻缔结地法律 law of the place where a marriage is registered

条约之缔结 conclusion of treaties

条约的缔结程式 procedure of conclusion of treaties; treaty-making procedure

缔结 conclude; enter into; strike

缔结保险合同代理 acquisition agent

缔结协定 conclude an agreement; enter into an agreement

缔结合同 strike an agreement

缔结和约 make peace with

缔结契约 negotiate a contract

缔结条约 conclusion of treaty

