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地方税的英文翻译 地方税英文怎幺说 地方税的英文例句




    local tax;municipal tax;cess;rate;sess

local [lәukll]

    adj.地方的,当地的,局部的,乡土的 n.当地居民,本地新闻,慢车,局部

tax [tæks]

    n.税,税款,税金 vt.对...徵税,使负重担,指控,责备

municipal [mju:'nisip(ә)l]


cess [ses]


rate [reit]

    n.比率,速度,等级,价格,费用 vt.估价,认为,鑒定等级,责駡 vi.被评价,责駡


在国会里,地方税收问题似乎又成了引人注意的问题。The question of local taxation seems to come again to the front in the Congress.当一种地方税增加时,市中心的骚乱暴发了。Inner-city riots erupted when a local tax was increased.中央政府对地方税务增长实行限制。Central government has imposed a cap on local tax increases.大连市地方税务局党组,Party team of dalian local tax bureau福建省地方税务局课题组,The topic group of the local tax bureau in fujian如果你享受补助津贴,那幺你的房租和地方税也会有津贴。If you are getting supplementary benefit you will get help with your rent and rates as well.我们是南京市地方税务局稽查局的稽查人员。We are inspectors from the tax inspection deparment nanjing local taxation bureau.


中央税、地方税、中央地方共用税 taxes, rates and taxes shared by the state and local governments

国税及地方税 taxes and rates

地方税 local tax; rates

地方税务局 excise office; local taxes administration

地方税和国家税 rates and taxes

地方税捐 local dues; local duties; local taxes

地方税收官 local tax-collectors; procurator

地方税款缴纳 local tax payment

地方税法 local tax law

地方税範围 rate range

地方税资助拨款 rate support grant

对住宅徵收地方税 domestic rates

市政地方税 municipal locality tax

徵收地方税 collection of rates

最高地方税徵收额 maximum rating

纳地方税人 rate payer

英国以地方税为来源的拨款 rate support grant

