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提防的英文翻译 提防英文怎幺说 提防的英文例句




    to guard against
    to be vigilant
    watch you don't (slip)

guard [ga:d]

    n.守卫,警戒,护卫队,防护装置 vt.保卫,看守,当心 vi.防止,警惕,警卫

against [ә'geinst]


vigilant [vidʒilәnt]


watch [wɔtʃ]

    n.注视,注意,手錶,看守,守护,监视,值班人 vt.看,注视,照顾,监视,警戒,守护,看守 vi.观看,注视,守侯 adj.手錶的,挂表的

you [ju:]



正当你心想事成、万事如意之际,尤需小心提防;正在长肥的公猪,并不是交上了什幺运气的呢。Watch out when you get all you want; fatten hog is not in luck.至少,那会让人类对靠近的噬骨野兽群存有提防之心。At the very least it would have alerted humans to an approaching horde of bone-crushing beasts.父亲提起那件事,我就立刻提防起来。I was immediately on guard when father mentioned that incident.他心智敏锐,甚或尖刻,这使他人对他颇为提防小心。He had a sharp sometimes waspish wit which made people rather wary of him.他一再要我们提防。He told us again and again to be on guard.提防有行人从之字区横过马路。Look out for pedestrians crossing the road across the zigzag lines.我们只是想让你提防点儿。We're just putting you on guard.要提防那些嫉妒你的成功的人。Be on guard against those who are jealous of your success.这个策略见效了,这个狱吏对我们不再提防了。The strategy worked for this warder became less wary around us.


不提防 be off her guard; be off his guard; be off my guard; be off one''s guard; be off our guard; be off their guard; be off your guard; off guard

使来不及提防 throw someone off guard

小心提防 keep a sharp lookout for

提防 keep a good lookout; take heed of

提防着 am on the watch for; are on the watch for; is on the watch for; upon the alert; was on the watch for; were on the watch for

海岸提防 n. shore protection

让...提防 warn against

