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跌价的英文翻译 跌价英文怎幺说 跌价的英文例句




    a price decrease

price [prais]

    n.价格,价钱,代价 vt.给...定价,问...的价格,标明价格

decrease [di'kri:s]

    n.减少,减少之量 v.减少


风险当然是福林贬值或跌价。The risk of course is that the forint devalues or depreciates.


一齐跌价 all-round decline

备抵存货跌价 allowance for reduction of inventory

大跌价 heavy fall

存货跌价损失 loss on inventory valuation

存货跌价损失,存货估价损失 loss on inventory valuation

已分摊跌价差额 absorbed declination

已吸收跌价 absorbed declination

急剧跌价 bottom dropped out of

投机商人预料跌价而合伙 bear pool

极度下跌价格 sagging price

由于原押品跌价而增加新押品 remargining

由市场供求等内部因素引起的跌价 technical decline

自由跌价 free depreciation

证券跌价损失 market loss on securities

财产跌价损失 loss on property devaluation

趁行市跌价买进的人 afternoon buyer

跌价 falling price; cheapen; go down in price; sag in the price; collapse of price; inroad; at a discount

跌价準备金 reserve against decline in price

跌价影响 bearish effects on the market)

跌价总额 gross declination

跌价损失 loss from falling price

跌价期间 sinking spell

跌价毛额 gross declination

跌价的 depreciable

跌价风险 risk of price decline

限制跌价保证政策 guarantee against price decline

靠跌价赚钱的 short

预料跌价而投机的商人的态度 bear position

