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第二审的英文翻译 第二审英文怎幺说 第二审的英文例句



[dìèr shěn]

    second instance

second [sekәnd]

    n.秒,片刻,第二者,第二人,助手,次货,二等品 adj.另一个,又一个 num.第二 vt.赞成,支持

instance [instәns]

    n.实例,建议,要求,情况,场合 vt.举...为例,获得例证



刑事第二审程式 criminal procedure at second instance

指令第二审人民法院再审 instruct the people''s court of second instance to retry the case

第二审 first appeal; second hearing; second instance

第二审人民法院 people''s court of second instance

第二审刑事判决书 written sentence of second instance

第二审刑事裁定书 written criminal ruling of second instance

第二审判决 judgment of second instance; sentence of second instance

第二审判庭 second tribual

第二审合议庭 collegiate bench of second instance

第二审案件 case of second instance

第二审民事判决书 written judgment of second instance

第二审民事裁定书 written civil ruling of second instance

第二审法庭 court of second hearing; tribunal of second hearing

第二审法院 court of second instance

第二审程式 procedure of second instance

第二审行政判决书 written administrative judgment of second instance

第二审行政裁定书 written administrative ruling of second instance

行政诉讼第二审判决 judgment of second instance of an administrative action

