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能否的英文翻译 能否英文怎幺说 能否的英文例句




    whether or not
    can it or can't it
    is it possible?

whether [weðә(r); (-) 'hweðәr]


can [ken]

    vt.装进罐中,把食品装罐 n.罐头,铁罐 conj.能,可以

it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术


我们愿作出一些让步,这样能否达成交易?We'll make some concession to see if we can strike a bargain?我能否提醒一下议会…Might l remind the council...我想知道你能否与我并肩站在烈火中,毫不退缩。I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.我在海外有广泛的联繫,我能否作贵方的採购代理呢?I have a good connection overseas.may I offer you my service as your purchasing agent?我在海外有广泛的联繫,我能否作为採购代理提供服务?I have good connections overseas.may I offer you my services as your purchasing agent?我怎能否认监督说的话呢?And who am I to deny the word of the master builder?印尼卢比:危机中能否新生?Indonesian rupee: can it be newborn from the crisis?在缺乏对各国国内预算有效控制的前提下,欧洲能否拥有单一货币?Could europe have a single currency without effective controls on national budgets?专用汽车能否引导重卡市场走出低迷?The feasibility of special vehicle help the heavy duty truck market come out of sluggish?


不能否认 there is no denying that

银行寄出托收支票后要求付款行将能否付款电告委託行 advise fate

