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通车的英文翻译 通车英文怎幺说 通车的英文例句




    open to traffic

open [әupәn]

    n.公开,户外,空旷 adj.开着的,敞开的,(车等)无篷的,开阔的,营业着的,公开的,坦率的,未决定的 vt.打开,公开,开放 vi.展开,开始,展现

traffic [træfik]

    n.交通,通行,运输,贸易,交通量,交易,交往,通信量 vi.交易,买卖 vt.在...通行,用...作交换


交通车提供挨家挨户的服务。The limousine offers door-to-door service.通车4个月后,风让大桥舞出了死亡的旋律。4months After it was opened those winds sent the bridge into a rhythmic dance of death.武汉长江大桥于1957年通车。Wuhan changjiang river bridge was opened to traffic in1957.新桥樑的正式通车。The official opening of the new bridge.地下铁道现已部分通车。The subway is now partially opened to traffic.交通警察指挥着交通车辆停下来让主席及其他官员的车辆通过。The traffic police stopped the traffic for the passing of the chairman's car and the top officials.一种为交通车辆快速行进的路线。The lane for vehicles that are moving rapidly.只在客流高峰在时间投入运营的公共交通车辆。Vehicle during the peak period.


不通车铁路 dismantled railroad

使通车 open to traffic

公路通车里程 mileage in highway open to traffic; length of highways in operation

双面通车公路 devided highway

恢复通车 restoring traffic

普通车床 centre lathe common lathe engine lathe power lathe

晴雨通车公路 all-weather highway

晴雨通车的公路里程 all-weather highways accounted for

通车 be open to traffic

通车期限 time limit for opening to traffic

通车里程 railway track in use

道路通车量 road capacity

重型普通车床 universal heavy duty lathe

铁路通车里程 rail mileage open to traffic

