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第二位的英文翻译 第二位英文怎幺说 第二位的英文例句



[dìèr wèi]

    second place

second [sekәnd]

    n.秒,片刻,第二者,第二人,助手,次货,二等品 adj.另一个,又一个 num.第二 vt.赞成,支持

place [pleis]

    n.地方,地点,位置,职位,处境,住所,地位 vt.放置,寄予,任命 vi.名次列前


第二位的地位或者作用。A secondary role or function.第二位警官变得严肃起来,他说:The second officer becomes serious and he says第二位警官看了看护照,问库珀先生从哪里来。The second officer looks at the passport and asks where mr cooper has come from.第二位旅游者扔下手錶,The second throws his watch第二位是研究生。The second we met is a graduate.美国史上第二位最受尊敬的普鲁斯特学者The second most highly regarded proust scholar in the u.s.在东北车道的各小组移动至第二位置All northeast driveway teams move in to secondary positions.在掘进中,安全总是应该首先考虑的问题,掘进速度则放在第二位元。Safety is always the first consideration in tunnelling and speed of advance is the second.在这个理论下,把任何两种原色混合起来就会产生一种第二位的颜色。Under this theory mixing any two of the primary colors produces a secondary color.


占第二位 come second

第二位 in the second place

第二位力係数 second virial coefficient又称"第二维里係数"。

第二位的当事人 secondary party

第二位责任 secondary liability; secondary responsibility

