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喋喋的英文翻译 喋喋英文怎幺说 喋喋的英文例句



[dié dié]

    to chatter a lot

chatter [tʃætә(r)]

    n.(动物,尤其是鸟类)唠叨,啁啾声,(小溪的)潺潺流水声 vi.喋喋不休的谈,卡搭作响

lot [lɔt]

    n.签,抽籤,一堆,许多,命运,一块地,份额 vt.划分 vi.抽籤,抓阄


她总是喋喋不休地说她的孩子有多聪明。She tends to go on about how clever her children are.因为谁肯向一个喋喋多言的人自白呢?For who will open himself to a blab or a babbler?这个喋喋不休的人把嗓子都说哑了。The chatterer has talked himself hoarse.这老太婆整天喋喋不休。The old crone gabbed all day.你真是个喋喋不休的人You've got the l.q.of a rattle.乔伊认为希拉过于喋喋不休。Joy thought sheila chattered too much.他仍在喋喋不休地侈谈有关经济复苏的问题。He's still waffling away about economic recovery.闲聊或无意义的瞎扯;喋喋不休Idle or meaningless chatter; babble.一大群穿着凉鞋、喋喋不休胡扯什幺“中庸之道”的傻瓜。Witter a lot of twits in open sandals wittering on about the middle way.这个老太婆只要一开口就会喋喋不休。Once she began to speak the old woman would run on for hours.只有暴发户才会喋喋不休地谈论这个或那个花了他多少钱。Only a vulgarian talks ceaselessly about how much this or that cost him.


喋喋不休 babble away

喋喋不休地 summer and winter

喋喋不休地对...说 din into

喋喋不休地讲 rattle away

喋喋不休地说 chatter on; drivel on; keep on about; rattle on; talk one''s head off

