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同病相怜的英文翻译 同病相怜英文怎幺说 同病相怜的英文例句




    fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company

fellow [felәu]

    n.人,家伙,伙伴,学会特别会员,朋友,同事 adj.同伴的,同事的,同道的

empathize [empәθaiz]


each [i:tʃ]

    adj.各自的,每个的,每一 pron.各,各自,每个 adv.每个

other [ʌðә(r)]

    adj.其他的,另外的,从前的 pron.其他的,他人,另外一个 adv.另外地,不同地

idiom [idiәm]


misery [ˈmɪzərɪ]

    n 1 [U] great suffering or discomfort (of mind or body) (精神或肉体的)痛苦, 难受: suffer the misery of toothache 受牙痛之苦 * living in misery and want, ie in wretched conditions and poverty 在穷困中生活 * lead a life of misery 过悲惨的生活. 2[C usu pl 通常作複数] painful happening; great misfortune痛苦的事; 大不幸: the miseries of unemployment 失业的痛苦. 3 [C] (Brit infml 口) person who is always miserable and complaining 总发牢骚不痛快的人: It's no fun being with you, you old misery! 你老发牢骚, 跟你在一起真没意思! 4 (idm 习语) make sb's life a misery => life. put sb out of his `misery (a) end sb's sufferings by killing him 杀死某人以结束其痛苦; 让某人一死百了. (b) (joc 谑) end sb's anxiety or suspense 使某人不再担忧或疑虑: Put me out of my misery tell me if I've passed or not! 你就别让我受罪了--告诉我我及格不及格! put an animal, bird, etc out of its `misery end the suffering of an animal, etc by killing it 杀死某动物以结束其痛苦

company [kʌmpәni],陪伴,(一)群,(一)队,(一)伙,连,连队


你不是想说同病相怜吧Two peas in apod wouidn't you say?当他们开始学习绘画,总把花瓣画成棕色,将湖水画成紫色时,我们感到与他们同病相怜。We felt strong bonds with them when they started coloring flowers brown and drawing purple lakes.

