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能带的英文翻译 能带英文怎幺说 能带的英文例句



[néng dài]

    energy band;bloch band

energy [enәdʒi]


band [bænd]

    n.带子,镶边,波段,队,乐队 v.联合,结合

Bloch [blɑk]

    Ernest Bloch 布洛克


菲得拉,你能带我们绕过那棵树吗?Phaedra can you take us around that tree?还有在街道上偶然发现的那些可怜动物能带到哪里去?Where can people take these poor animals if they stumble across them on the street?很抱歉我不能带他去jung-won的生日聚会。I was sorry I couldn't mase it to jung_won's birthday.你不能带走他,萨玛拉。You can't have him samara.你们也能带着你们的那份上路。And you all take your little medicine show back on the road.他把他希望能带一大批订货单的宣传文字背了下来。He memorized the sales talk which he hoped would bring in large orders.他们批准了这项协定,因为他们认为它将能带来和平。They ratify the pact because they think it will bring peace.希望的估量能带你度过不如意的严酷考验。A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal.洗礼是新生的开始,能带给你极大的欢乐。Baptism is the start of a new life which will bring you great joy.因为你说我不能带那些野孩子回家Because you say you ain't want none of those raggy kids in your house.


次能带 subband

正常能带 normal band

激发能带 excite band

能带 energy band

能带模型 energy band model

能带理论 band theory

能带结构 band structure

能量分辨的低能带电粒子探测器 energy resolved low-energy charged particle detector

高性能带 highperformance tape

