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    to spy

spy [spai]

    n.特工人员,间谍,侦探,探员,秘密侦察他人行动者 v.侦察,侦察,发现


天,那是超级虫子,超级间谍是狗屁!Man that is some superfly superspy shit!外国派有间谍;英国设有军事情报局来对付。Foreigners have spies; britain has military intelligence.隐形间谍,海德般的军队,和吸血鬼杀手。Invisible army of hydes and vampiric assassins.隐形间谍、野兽军团、吸血刺客Invisible spies an army of hydes vampiric assassins.在新片《谍中谍3》中,汤姆•克鲁斯又回来了。Tom cruise is back in theatres in mission impossible iii.这个老奸巨滑的间谍终于被逮住了。The spy a past master of machination and maneuver was caught at last.


产业间谍 industrial espionage; industrial information

反间谍 counterespionage; counterspy

商业间谍活动 corporate spying

商业间谍罪 offense of commercial espionage

外国间谍 foreign spy

工业间谍活动 industrial espionage

战争间谍行为 war espionage

最后通谍 ultimatum

经济间谍 economic espionage

电脑间谍 computer espionage

讼谍 indictment; plaint

谍报 information obtained through espionage; intelligence; intelligence report

谍报员 intelligence agent; spy

超级间谍 superspy

辞谍 indictment; plaint

通谍 circular note; diplomatic note

间谍 intelligencer

间谍卫星 snooper satellite; spy satellite

间谍法 espionage act

间谍活动 espionage activities; spying

间谍的 cloak and dagger

间谍罪 espionage; crime of espionage

间谍行为 act of espionage

间谍飞机 spy aeroplane; spy plane

间谍首脑 spy-master

