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地表水的英文翻译 地表水英文怎幺说 地表水的英文例句



[dìbiǎo shuǐ]

    surface water

surface [sә:fis]

    n.表面,外表,水面 adj.表面的,肤浅的

water [wɔ:tә(r)]

    n.水,雨水,海水,水位,水面,流体 vt.喷淋,供以水,注入水,使湿 vi.流泪,加水 adj.水的,水上的,水生的,含水的


一种运输地下水或地表水的管道。A conduit that carries away sewage or surface water.地表水环境品质标準:Surface water environmental quality standards:採用固定化微桿菌技术修复油污染地表水。Bioremediation of surface water contaminated by oil using immobilized microbacterium sp.城市供水,地表水是由某邻近池沼溏或湖泊提供的。For town and city supply surface-water is furnished by some adjacent pond or lake.评价隧道开挖对区域地下水和地表水的影响。Assessments shall be made of impact on regional underground and surface water by tunnel excavation.我们所用的地表水几乎全由淡水湖和河流供给。Fresh-water lakes and streams furnish nearly all of our surface water supplies.浊漳河流域地表水主要污染物季节变化特徵。Season change characteristics of main pollutants in surface water of zhuozhang river basin.


地表水 surface water

地表水体 surface water

地表水污染 surface water pollution

地表水系 surface drainage

地表水资源量 surface water resources amount某特定区域在一定时段内由降水产生的地表径流总量,其主要动态组成为河川径流总量。

多余地表水 excess surface water

生活饮用水地表水源保护区 conservation zone for ground water sources of drinking water

